Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Lou Engle to appear on Nightline tonight

I'm guessing Nightline's interest has everything to do with the abortion-related Supreme Court cases this week and the pending nomination of pro-life Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. I met Lou in 2001 when The Call, a prayer movement he organized, wanted to come to New York, and I served as one of the youth coordinators for the effort the following spring. (Read one of my New York Call testimonies here.) He struck me as the real deal, an intercessor cut from the same cloth as an Old Testament prophet. When The Call finished its run of massive prayer and fasting rallies in 2003, Lou poured his energy into forming the Justice House of Prayer in Washington, DC, and its related bound4LIFE campaign. I wrote about one of their prayer protests during the Schiavo case last spring. We'll see how Nightline spins the feature, tonight on ABC @ 11:30 pm. I've had many conversations with politically Conservative evangelicals about how to broaden the definition of "Justice" to include more than just abortion, with little success so far. Any ideas how to engage such a dialogue? I for one would love to see people attached to something called "The Justice House of Prayer" pray about social and economic justice, global AIDS and hunger, education and immigration reform, genocide in Darfur, child soldiers, the health care crisis and so many other critical issues as well as abortion. CORRECTION: The Nightline story aired last night in a segment called "Faith Matters." Get the direct video feed at The tone was respectful and curious and provided a great opportunity to see young people impassioned by the intersection of faith and culture and public policy. It was predictably focused on today's abortion cases, but without the cynicism that often accompanies such stories.


At 12/05/2005 01:12:00 PM, Blogger Greg M. Johnson said...

Any ideas how to engage such a dialogue?

I'll pray along with you for such a renewal. I'm finding in my own Lutheran tradition that some who strongly rise up against a drift in sexual ethics emphatically state that the economic ethics are "social activism" and not at the core of their "theological conviction," as marriage is.

One method I'm using in my own ELCA denomination is to set up a sermon contest for seminary students to see who can come up with an extremely theologically conservative approach to a passage of scripture that has motivated the same humanitarian concerns you've had on your heart:

Maybe a way to help your faith tradition could start any way you can reach new young preachers.


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