Monday, June 12, 2006

Happy Father's Day, Dad and Matt (and fathers everywhere)

"Matt Stevens and Rick Del Rio are heroes, both for how they live their own lives and for how they raise/d their sons. But what about the 24 million children in the United States who live with absent fathers, or the 20 million living in single-parent homes? They are our neighbors, attend school with our kids, and worship at our churches. They shop in our local supermarkets, play in our parks, and hang out at our favorite diners.

"Whom do they emulate? Whom do they celebrate?"

My latest article, "Caleb's Promise: A Father's Day Tribute and a Dilemma for 24 Million Children," is now online, in three different versions. The original, 1,500 word feature is posted at Next Wave and Porpoise-Diving Life and elsewhere. A 1,000 word version is at as part of Rick Warren's Ministry Toolbox, and another 1,200 word version was printed in Tri-State Voice. Take your pick.


At 6/14/2006 10:49:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My heart beats for the fatherless in my youth group and church. you are right when you say, "children become who thier dads make them". Even so called Christian fathers have the wrong priorities when it comes to family and church, no wonder we have a vaccum in youth who want to stay in the church. Pray for me I will be preaching at my church for fathers day... its an honor to speak to the men about this issue. any other article on this issue are welcome

At 6/14/2006 11:16:00 PM, Blogger Jeremy Del Rio said...

Donald Miller recently wrote a book on the subject that's on my reading list, To Own a Dragon ( While I haven't read it yet, I expect it's going to be good based on the two books of his I have read (Blue Like Jazz, and Searching for God Knows What). He's a great writer, insightful and humorous.

At 6/15/2006 10:05:00 AM, Blogger Jeremy Del Rio said...

Another great resources is Doug Stringer's book, Fatherless Generation:


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