Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Kruse on incarnational living

After describing a college missions trip experience, Matt Kruse continues:

"Jesus took a mission trip similar to mine. Only it wasn’t from a plush college campus to a poverty-stricken Mexican orphanage. It was from the right hand of God in the heavens to this poverty-stricken earth. And He didn’t walk in someone else’s shoes for 10 days, but for 33 years. And He didn’t do little more for us than hang out here for a little while before buckling up for the van ride home, but through His life, death, and resurrection He accomplished redemption so that the curse we live under would be broken and our destinies would be radically altered. He did for us what I did not do for those kids in Mexico. "I was a sinner who identified with some less fortunate sinners for a brief time and left them in their condition. Jesus Christ was the Holy One of Heaven who not only identified with us sinners but became sin, took all of our sin on his shoulders on a cross, and redeemed our condition. "I hung out with those orphans for a few days and left them as orphans. Jesus Christ hung on a cross for 3 hours and made us sons of God." Article.
I'm loving this. Matt and I were on the same page Sunday. I'll be posting audio of Sunday's message, "Who do men say that you are?" as soon as Brian sends it. (Hint, hint!)


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