Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Matt and Katy Stevens are amazing. I've been a big fan for years, but never more so than this weekend. Despite suffering the worst kind of heartrending tragedy -- the untimely loss of their son -- never once did they express despair, rage, bitterness, or any of the other emotions one might expect. Grief, to be sure, was palpable, but what they did with their grief was heroic. The chose, despite the most extreme circumstances, to honor a faithful God; to thank Him for their time, however brief, with a son He entrusted to their care; to celebrate the richness of the short life Caleb lived; and to invite others to love life as fully as they taught Caleb to do. Matt summed up his gratitude at the gravesight, when he thanked Caleb for giving him ten of the best years of his life. Stevens family, I love you and you can count on us to continue to stand with you in the days, weeks, months, and years to come.


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