Thursday, February 03, 2005

"It started spreading like cockroaches"

This story reminded me of Enid. Last night, fans at an Alabama girls high school basketball game rioted, forcing police to clear the gym and cancel the game. Before Enid became the mature, wise-beyond-her-years youth specialist we at Xcel know and love, my first introduction to her was at a neighborhood football game nine or ten years ago. Xcel cofounders Lou-Box and Rollie were playing, so my brothers and I went to support them. In the third or fourth quarter, girlfriends cheering from the sidelines turned their attention on each other. Someone hit someone, someone else pulled someone's hair, then the claws came out and a certifiable brawl erupted. In the middle of the melee, a high school student named Enid. (In contrast to last night's fiasco, neither Enid or any of her combatants got arrested.) Enid's still a fighter. That's one of many reasons why we love her.


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