Monday, August 01, 2005

(I hate to say this, but) Canseco is credible

Disgraced major leaguer Jose Canseco fingered Rafael Palmeiro as a steroid abuser in his infamous best seller, prompting Palmeiro to point his finger at Congress and emphatically declare: "I have never used steroids. Period." Today, after testing positive under MLB's new testing program, baseball's most recent 3000 hits/500 homeruns "hero" amended his denial, ever so slightly: "I have never intentionally used steroids. Never. Ever. Period." (Emphasis mine.) He continued:

"I want to apologize to MLB, the Baltimore Orioles organization, my teammates, and most of all, my fans. Given my role with the No Tolerance Committee and my relationships with Congress, I feel the need to communicate a serious message to my fellow players and to kids everywhere."
A "serious message," indeed. I, for one, will never "intentionally" root for Palmeiro again. Here's to hoping that he receives "no tolerance" for the scam that has evidently been his career.


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