Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Preview Get Real artwork

Meet the Get Real characters here. Preview the playbill here.


At 4/21/2005 02:34:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

J, cool design.

Question. Could the tag "Life is about choices. Make the right one." lead to a too-man-centered presentation of the Gospel? The Gospel is primarily about God's choice of us. Our choice is secondary, and only comes in response to God initiating. I get worried when the pitch is "It's up to you. You can do it. Come on down to the front and change your life by making a decision for Jesus." If that decision is in response to the grace of God and conviction of God's Spirit, awesome. If it is just another 'works' attempt at salvation (I did something, I decided, I redirected my life) it misses the point.

This is not necessarily the case... that tag line could be a way to engage kids to considering the immensity of the Gospel message... but coming to repentant faith is different than making a decision to not do drugs or something.

At 4/21/2005 03:32:00 PM, Blogger Jeremy Del Rio said...

Good call. The tag line on the playbill is intentionally vague. On its most basic level, it invites teens to choose to attend the Crusade (the "right" choice here). Beyond that it's the choice to respond to God's grace. BG's not going to let the Gospel invitation get too man centered.

At 4/21/2005 10:33:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right... a decision to come hear the Gospel could lead to a responsive decision on the Gospel that will alter their lives. One good choice leads to another type thing.

The response you are getting for this is so cool. I am convinced that young people are just ripe for harvest in our culture. Can you imagine being flat out lied to your whole life, about everything? That's where they stand, and they are begging for somebody to stand up and tell them "Here is truth." When they finally hear a clear call, if God is involved, they run with it.


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