Tuesday, February 22, 2005

My apologies

It's been over a week without any posts. Sorry 'bout that. This weekend was loaded with family stuff, and last week was intensely busy at work. Some of the highlights:

  • Judah and I played the part of single adults by joining 35 friends from the S.A.L.T. (Single Adults Learning Together) of the Earth ministry of Abounding Grace on their winter retreat. We drove upstate Friday night with my brother Jonathan, Elsa, Coco, and Dorothy, and returned Sunday. Judah joined me on the "snow movile" (I refuse to correct his pronunciation) and wrestled in the snow with my brother's dog Liza (one of the ministry mascots) before a whirlwind of fun Saturday afternoon with Bryce, Ashleigh, and Nathaniel, three other children ages 2-5.
Once again, Judah seized the moment to make his daddy proud! During Saturday night's worship service, he sat literally on the edge of his seat for over an hour mesmerized as my parents (the pastors of Abounding Grace) tag teamed the message. How many single adults, much less four-year old boys after a full-day of fun, can do that?
  • Sunday night, my nephew and niece Willie and Amber arrived with their parents from Massachusetts for Diana's grandmother's surprise 80th birthday party. Will and Am are enjoying Winter Break this week, so they'll be staying with us for a few days.

  • Monday afternoon we took advantage of what will probably be our last significant snow fall of the season and went sleigh riding. Owl's Head Park was a slushy mess, but that made building a snow man relatively easy to do (for the first time in my life).

  • Monday evening we surprised Nonna (Di's grandma) with an 80th birthday celebration. Nothing too elaborate, but the right mix of family and friends gathered over an intimate meal at an excellent Italian restaurant. Happy Birthday!


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