Thursday, December 30, 2004

Reggie White might have died from Sleep Apnea?!

Reggie White, world class athlete, dies at the age of 43 of a massive heart attack which may have been induced by Sleep Apnea. [Story here.] This news struck a nerve with me because several years ago a close family member was diagnosed with the disorder. Providentially a friend who knew of his history of extreme snoring and increasing fatigue heard that a local hospital was conducting clinical research on a new treatment for a condition called Apnea. We had never heard of it, but the symptoms matched his experience so he volunteered to participate in the study. That meant spending a night at the hospital connected to machines that monitored his breathing during sleep. When he awoke, the doctors had grim news. At times, more than a minute would lapse without any oxygen, making his condition among the most severe cases they had observed and exposing him to the risks of heart attack, stroke, or worse. They prescribed a breathing machine for him to use as he slept. The results were immediate! For the first time in years, he felt rested in the morning and able to function without weariness throughout the day. For the first time in years, his wife was able to sleep without his labored snoring causing concern. My relative received treatment that quite possibly saved his life. After his diagnosis, two other relatives were also tested and properly treated. Apparently Reggie White was not so fortunate. For more on Sleep Apnea and treatment options, visit WebMD.


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